Psychology Field Group

two students walk towards the mounds from scott courtyard

At Pitzer College, Field Groups (similar to a discipline or department) organize major requirements and courses.

The psychology curriculum is designed to encourage students to view psychology and human behavior across multiple levels, using a variety of theoretical and empirical models. We offer our students a solid foundation in methodology, history, traditional, and non-traditional approaches, and we urge critical thinking.

Goals for the Psychology Major

Overview of Goals: The psychology curriculum is designed to encourage students to view psychology and human behavior across multiple levels, using a variety of theoretical and empirical models. We offer our students a solid foundation in methodology, history, traditional, and non-traditional approaches, and we urge critical thinking:

Goal 1: Research training—Students will understand and apply basic research methods in psychology, including research design, data analysis, writing, and interpretation.

Goal 2: Integrating experiential and scientific knowledge—Students will be able to integrate hands-on work in communities and social service organizations with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.

Goal 3: Diversity—Students will recognize, understand, and respect the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity.

Goal 4: Life-long learning—Students will develop an interest in life-long learning and an interest in psychological issues in all areas of their personal and professional lives.

Goal 5: Communication skills—Students will be able to effectively communicate about the complexities of psychological research.

Goal 6: Ethical considerations—Students will be able to weigh evidence, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and reflect other values that are underpinnings of psychology as a discipline.

Goal 7: Social responsibility—Students will recognize and understand the connection between their psychology training and social issues, and will use this knowledge in their efforts to improve the world in which we live.

Goal 8: Skepticism—Students will respect and use skeptical inquiry in interpreting, understanding, and applying psychological research.

Psychology Program

Visit the Psychology Program page to learn more about major requirements and learning objectives. 

Psychology Program

Psychology Field Group Advisers

portrait of mita banerjee
Mita Banerjee
  • Professor of Psychology
  • Psychology Field Group
portrait of Darin Brown
Darin R. Brown
  • Assistant Professor of Psychology
  • Psychology Field Group
portrait of professor steffanie Guillermo
Steffanie Guillermo
  • Associate Professor of Psychology
  • Psychology Field Group

Fletcher 218

T 1:30-2:30 pm; W 2-4pm (in Fletcher 218) Via Zoom

Timothy Justus
  • Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science
  • Psychology Field Group
  • Cognitive Science Field Group
portrait of Marcus Rodriguez
Marcus Rodriguez
  • Associate Professor of Psychology
  • Psychology Field Group
portrait of Norma Rodriguez
Norma Rodriguez
  • Flora Sanborn Pitzer Professor of Psychology
  • Psychology Field Group

Psychology in the News

Professor Marcus Rodriguez (lower right) sits with Friendship Bench Zimbabwe workers.


Rodriguez and his students have led virtual trainings for Friendship Bench Zimbabwe’s lay health workers to integrate dialectical behavior therapy and crisis response strategies into their practices

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